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Ben Fields

According to a recent article in Forbes, putting one’s surname on a company brand is not the best business move.  Obviously for Ben Fields, he disagrees.  A 3rd generation native of Dallas, TX, the son of a respected residential & commercial architect / builder, Ben believes that his last name displayed proudly on each home he builds is not only a testament to his devotion to quality of construction, but a silent pledge to each of his clients that his business is reputable and here to stay.

Ben’s career in the industry began as soon as he could walk, visiting job sites with his father, Ken.  His Dad still remembers the first time Ben used a power tool, in 1985 at a local restaurant that he designed.  Ken was frustrated with a painter that argued with him about using an electric sander, and when Ken said, “Look, it’s so easy that my 5-year-old can do it,” Ben didn’t disappoint.  Ben spent the next few years growing up and visiting multitudes of job sites along the way.  When he was 19, he became officially employed in the industry, working around college at his dad’s firm as a CAD designer and an apprentice superintendent for custom home building.   Eight years later, Ben officially took-over Fields Custom Homes from his dad.  To this day, the father-son duo still work together often, but Ken prefers architecture and Ben prefers construction.  Having started in the industry with an architectural design background, Ben has a unique perspective that helps him construct homes that are an extension of the owner’s character & personality through their design.

It surprises many to find out that Ben enlisted in the Army Reserves at 17 years old.  He was honored with multiple awards, decorations, and commendations.  Ben received many lessons in leadership, commitment, and determination throughout his enlistment.  Perhaps the largest proof of that was his graduation from the US Army Drill Sergeant School as the Distinguished Honor Graduate, which at the very young age of 20, attracted the Division General to travel to his graduation to shake his hand.  He finished his military duties in 2005 and was fully able to focus on the family business. 

Now, with over twenty years of development experience, a very supportive wife, and a precious daughter, Ben has more drive and motivation than ever to ensure that he builds on the success of his family name for each of his clients.  Knowing that there are many builders in the area, Ben has the added motivation to succeed and earn a reputation as one of the Metroplex’s top builders, while giving clients the confidence that he will be around for many years to come.





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